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Precautions for Storing Fur Rugs

Apr. 27, 2023

Fur rugs are luxurious and delicate items that require proper care and maintenance to keep them in good condition. Proper storage is an essential aspect of maintaining fur rugs, especially during the off-season or when not in use. 

Modern soft microfiber printed rug

Modern soft microfiber printed rug

Here are some precautions to follow when storing fur rugs to ensure their longevity and quality:

Clean the Fur Rug Before Storage

Before storing a fur rug, it's crucial to ensure it is clean and free of any debris or dirt. It's recommended to have the rug cleaned by a professional furrier to ensure its quality is not affected. If the rug is slightly soiled, you can use a soft-bristled brush or a cloth to remove any surface dirt. Avoid using water or any liquid cleaner, as it can damage the fur and affect its quality.

Store in a Cool, Dry, and Dark Place

Fur rugs should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark place, away from direct sunlight, humidity, and heat. Exposure to these elements can cause the fur to dry out, lose its luster, and fade over time. Ideal storage conditions include a temperature range of 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of 50 to 55 percent.

Avoid Storage in Plastic Bags

Fur rugs should not be stored in plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and promote mold growth. Instead, use a breathable storage bag made of natural materials, such as cotton or linen. This allows air to circulate around the rug and prevent moisture buildup.

Avoid Hanging Fur Rugs

Hanging a fur rug for an extended period can cause the rug to lose its shape and create stress points on the fur. Instead, lay the rug flat in the storage bag or box, ensuring it's not folded or crushed. If you must hang the rug temporarily, use a padded hanger and avoid hanging it in direct sunlight or heat.

Keep Away from Moths and Other Pests

Moths and other pests are attracted to fur rugs, and their larvae can cause significant damage to the fur. To prevent infestations, store the rug in airtight containers or add mothballs or cedar chips to the storage bag or box. However, be careful not to let the mothballs or cedar chips touch the rug, as they can leave stains or discolorations.

Avoid Using Strong-Smelling Products

Fur rugs can absorb odors quickly, so avoid storing them near strong-smelling products, such as perfumes, colognes, or cleaning agents. These products can affect the quality of the fur and cause discoloration or damage. Instead, use natural products like lavender sachets or cedar chips to repel pests and absorb any odors.

Don't Store Fur Rugs for Too Long

Fur rugs should not be stored for too long, as extended storage can affect the quality of the fur. Ideally, store fur rugs for up to six months, and then take them out to air and fluff them up. This allows the fur to breathe and prevents matting or clumping.

Avoid Excessive Handling

Fur rugs are delicate, and excessive handling can cause the fur to shed or lose its shape. When handling the rug, avoid pulling or tugging on the fur, and handle it gently. If the rug needs to be moved, support it from underneath and avoid grabbing it by the edges.

In summary, proper storage is essential to maintain the quality and longevity of fur rugs. Follow these precautions to ensure your fur rug remains in good condition and retains its beauty and value for years to come. 

If you want to know more information about fur rug, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

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